Off-Road Vehicles Allowed on Peralta Streets | Rawpixel
Off-Road Vehicles Allowed on Peralta Streets | Rawpixel
From February 15, 2023 post.
We've received some recent complaints about vehicles stopping in or improperly crossing the gore area near the Silos at Crabapple Rd. We will be increasing our traffic enforcement in the area and wanted to make sure that all drivers in the area had a better understanding of this law.
O.C.G.A. 40-6-50 (2010)
40-6-50. Driving on divided highway, controlled-access roadways, and emergency lanes
(a) As used in this Code section, the term "gore" means the area of convergence between two lanes of traffic.
(b) Every vehicle driven on a divided highway shall be driven only upon the right-hand roadway unless directed or permitted to use another roadway by official traffic-control devices or police officers. No vehicle shall be driven over, across, or within any dividing space, barrier, gore, paved shoulder, or section separating the roadways of a divided highway; except that a vehicle may be driven through an opening in such physical barrier or dividing space or at an established crossover or intersection unless specifically prohibited by an official sign, signal, or control device. No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any controlled-access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are established by public authority. Except as provided for in subsection (c) of this Code section, no vehicle shall be driven in an emergency lane except in the event of an actual emergency.
Drive Safely Alpharetta!
Original source can be found here.